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Ref : S09968

Theme : Testings - Satellites - Probes - Rockets  (2314 images)

Title : During a Crew Equipment Interface Test

Caption :

(06/22/2002) -- During a Crew Equipment Interface Test, STS-112 Mission Specialist Piers Sellers (foreground) points to an engine line on Atlantis, the designated orbiter for the mission, while Commander Jeffrey Ashby (behind) looks on. STS-112 is the 15th assembly flight to the International Space Station and will be ferrying the S1 Integrated Truss Structure. The S1 truss is the first starboard (right-side) truss segment, whose main job is providing structural support for the radiator panels that cool the Space Station's complex power system. The S1 truss segment also will house communications systems, external experiment positions and other subsystems. The S1 truss will be attached to the S0 truss. STS-112 is currently scheduled for launch Aug. 22, 2002